Thursday, July 28, 2016

Choosing the Best Fencing for Your Tennessee Yard

There are numerous fence options that homeowners can go with when it comes to fencing in their Tennessee yard. When it comes to choosing the right one for your yard, you have to consider all of the options and the usage it is going to get in the end. You do not want to find yourself struggling to keep pets inside or neighbor children from coming inside the gate around your pool or other items. You want something that is going to hold and last for a while. 

Here are some considerations you can make when it comes to the fencing you put up in your Tennessee yard, and why you might want to go with them. 

What are You Trying to Improve 

When it comes to adding a fence to your Tennessee yard, there is oftentimes something you want to improve. You may want to just add a border, you might want to keep your pets in or you might just want a safe haven for your children to play. Considering the needs that you have for a fence will allow you to choose which one might work the best. 

Is it Just for Show?

If the fence is just for show within your yard, then choosing something less labor intensive, beautiful and affordable can be the way to go. A lot of times metal or vinyl fences are ideal for this type of job. This is due to the fact that they are beautiful, but not labor intensive and they do not have to be very tall to be placed in the yard.

Do You Want Something Easier to Maintain?

Maintenance of the fence is going to make a difference on which one you choose to go with. Wooden fences tend to have a lot of maintenance involved with them from the staining to the cleaning, to replacing boards when they become bad. Vinyl just needs to be washed down every now and again and iron tends to not need very much at all. 

Putting up a high quality fence is not a do-it-yourself job. You should speak with professionals that can put the fence up for you, while maintaining the best quality possible. Speak with us here at Premier Fence to find out how we can come out and provide you with an estimate on the fence you’d like to have in your yard, while also showing you the many options we provide. Today is the perfect day to have a fence! 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Thinking About Getting a Pool? Get a Nashville Fence Put Up First

Pool are great additions to have in the backyard, but when it comes to putting one up; you have to follow some simple rules first and foremost. Keeping everyone safe and sound when there is a large bowl of water should be the first priority when it comes to adding one to your yard. A Nashville fence can be the answer that you’re looking for when you want to block the pool in and keep everyone safe in the process. Learn more about the available fencing material for putting around the pool. 

Keeping Everyone Safe with a Nashville Fence

Through the use of a Nashville fence in your backyard, you can completely surround the outside of the pool to provide yourself with a way to keep pets and kids out of the pool area. This is not just for the children or pets in your home, but for those that might live by you. Every day, accidents involving children that slip and fall into pools happen and this is why having a fence in your yard is essential. 

There are many different Nashville fences you can choose from, as well. With everything from four foot to six foot privacy fences, you can choose not only the size of the fence but the materials that it is made from. Usually, a six food wooden fence would be ideal around the entire perimeter of the backyard. However, you may want to add a gate around the pool itself, if it is in the ground. Above ground pools need a fence around the yard but a gate up at the top of the pool. 

Checking with the local codes and enforcement laws for the pool you’re putting in should be the first step to adding it to your yard. You may need to pay for a license or other paperwork to have it. From there, you can let them know about the fence that is going up and speak with them about any special fencing materials or steps you may need to have, depending on the area that you live in.

Speak with us here at Premier Fence to find out how we can install the Nashville fence around your new pool before the weather becomes any hotter. You want the project to go smoothly, and you want to get into that new pool sooner, rather than later. Call us today to set up a time to speak!