Thursday, August 25, 2016

Choosing the Ideal Garden Fence

Whether you’re just getting into gardening, or you’ve been doing it for years, it makes a lot of sense to pick out a good quality fence to protect your crops. The right fence will help keep pests out, and it will also keep children and pets from digging through your garden. When choosing garden fencing you need to consider both the looks and the function of the fencing. Obviously it has to keep the trouble pests out of your garden, but if it’s in a prominent location of your home you’ll likely want to make it look nice as well. 

Wood Picket Fence

For larger animals a wood picket fence can work fine as a deterrent. Not only will these fences help keep pests out when installed properly, but they look nice as well. To really enhance the protection they offer you can do a few different things. To keep deer out install two rows of fencing with a three foot gap in between. For smaller animals add some chicken wire down at the bottom of the fencing to prevent digging and to create smaller holes of entry. 

Livestock Fencing

Livestock fencing is often used in larger gardens and farms to keep out pests. This fencing is combined with fiber fence or chicken wire to keep small pests out. It can also be electrified to help keep out larger animals effectively. 

Chain Link Fence

Though most people won’t rely on chain link fencing around a garden, it’s particularly effective. It will keep out the small pests, and is often tall enough to keep out larger animals as well. To top it all off, chain link is easy to maintain and affordable to have installed at your home. 

No matter what size garden you have, there is an effective way for you to fence it off against wildlife. Once you have the fence up your garden will be free to grow and thrive. Just make sure you know what sort of wildlife you’re trying to deter before you hire a company to put fencing in for you, so you can get the right type of fencing to keep them out.
Contact Premier Fencing for all of the fencing needs that you have, big or small, and we can provide you with the design and installation you're looking to have. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

While Vinyl Fencing is Often Preferable to Wood

Wood fencing is the most popular material type throughout the country, and evne much of the world. It’s not hard to see why since it’s relatively affordable, strong and it has a nice look as well. Unfortunately many people pick up wood fencing without ever considering the benefits they are missing out on. Had all those homeowners picked out vinyl fencing instead they would have realized a lot of perks that you just don’t get from wood fencing. 

Less Maintenance

Sure vinyl will wear out over time and could even experience a bit of cracking or fading in severe climates, but it is relatively maintenance free. While your neighbor with the wooden fence will be staining, sanding and swapping out panels every few years, you’ll be leisurely washing off the dirt and debris with a garden hose, or a bucket of soap and water. Maintenance on a vinyl fence is really that easy, and something that won’t take you much time or effort. This is one of the main reasons that people should consider vinyl over wood, it’s just less work. 


Vinyl seems like it would be flimsier than wood, and in the past that was often true. With modern-day advancements that isn’t always the case any longer. According to Home Advisor many vinyl fencing manufacturers claim their product is five times stronger than wood, and also four times as flexible. That means that the fencing will hold up better over time and won’t experience as much swelling or deforming over time. 

Ease of Installation

Vinyl fencing is often a bit more expensive than wood, but it’s designed to install quite easily. The installation process is similar to wood, but the panels come ready to go as soon as they ship from the factory. That means once the fence is installed it does not need to be stained, it does not need to be sanded and it doesn’t need to be treated in any way. In other words, you can enjoy it immediately, which is a pretty nice perk of using vinyl. 

If you’re looking for a low-cost fencing solution vinyl probably isn’t for you, it’s quite a bit more expensive than wood, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not a good option. It cuts down on maintenance needs dramatically, and it can often be set up in less time as well, making it very convenient for the busy homeowner that doesn’t want to deal with too many regular maintenance tasks. 
Contact us here at Premier Fence to find out how we can ensure that the most beautiful fence goes up in your yard.