Thursday, April 21, 2016

When is it the Best Time to Install a Fence?

Many homeowners question when they should install a fence in their yard. While this is a good question, there is really no right or wrong answer. The only thing to ask is whether or not the time you’re planning is the best for the contractor you’re hiring to put it up for you. They can provide you with more insight regarding the fence you’d like to have installed, and whether or not they’re able to do so. 


Winter is never a good time to do many of the outside renovations you’d like to do. For instance, putting up a fence would take a lot of man power since there needs to be poles put into the ground. The ground is much to hard to do this. 


The spring is the perfect time to install a fence into the yard. However, there is quite a rush to have this done when you hire a contractor for the job. Planning ahead, and making sure to book your date with them ahead of time is essential. The ground is just soft enough to start the digging, and to provide the right panels across the yard. 


Summer is also a good time to install a fence. The ground is very warm and able to be dug into easily. In addition, the weather is beautiful, allowing all that are installing the fence to do so comfortably. This however, is also a time when many people are choosing to have their fences installed, which means a longer line when you call them up and want to have them come out.


The fall is the perfect time to install a fence due to the fact that not only is the ground still warm and soft enough for the poles, but it is also a time when there is less of a rush. You’re able to have the contractors come right out and do the job that needs to be done easily and effectively. 

Who knew that all of these months could be ideal to install a fence in your yard? You’re able to make the most of what is being provided when you’re able to have a fence that can block out the outside traffic and noise. No longer will those neighbors bother you. Speak with us here at Premier Fence to set up a time this spring or summer to have your fence installed. 

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